Eucatastrophe Class

Please also note, for those who are interested in exegsis, the readings for August 23 2024 demonstrate how Eucharistic Tolkien is, since, he used the dry bones imagery from Ezekiel to craft the scenes of the army of the Dead, which was also used in the Pirates of the Carribean movie.
(The text for this class, an essay called On Fairy Stories by J.R.R. Tolkien, is linked to in a BBC article if you want to check it out early; for the more financially challenged amongst us, it is also in pdf form and you can print yourself here)

This class has always been part of Skandalon Skole, and held the last week of summer trimester. This year, it runs August 26 through 31 2024 so people can see if they like the concept. It is free; howsomever that may be, remunerations are gladly accepted.

First Things has some stuff on this in the disenchantment aspect in their recent writings, and how disenchantment descends to blasphemy (but take heart, see for example Matthew 12:31-32) and also has a poetry piece on the sea and listening to heaven which Tolkien referenced in his warning to Legolas:

Legolas Greenleaf,long under tree,
in joy hast thou lived: Beware of the sea!
For when you hear the cry of the gull on the shore,
then your heart will rest in the forest no more".

Tolkien for some reason which we will not explore here, associated heaven with the ocean as much or more as with the sky.
Back to faerie "qua" faerie,the BBC has an explanation here which was published on Carlo Acutis day and right around when a catastrophe occurred for the University. Which may be a Eucatastrophe....when you see all these things hold up your head for your redemption is near at hand..