
"knock, and it shall be opened unto you."
The last week of August is Tolkien's Eucatastrophe thingy.
However, We have to have an articulated admssions process to comply with accreditation regulations.
Do we have to have an admissions process in order to be a university.
We have our own requirements for entrance, please prepare an oral history of Civilization as you yourself understand it and how it intersects with the Eucharist. You may not believe in the Eucharist but it had a tremendous effect on history and continues to do so. The other side of this is to prepare a question for the admissions committee that you would have them answer if you were in their shoes. While "no student is greater than the master", this person also said, "You have but one teacher, and that is God." Jesus often answered rabbis with a quesiton, and thus, we are on solid ground here as well.